![]() Hawk or Sphinx moths in France, (Sphingidae). In
the This simple list
gives their names in English, Latin and French, the caterpillar
food plant, annual generations and migratory status if any and a link to
photos & distribution for each species.
Lime Hawk Moth,
Mimas tiliae, Sphinx du Tilleul
Adults emerge May /
June with an occasional 2nd generation in Autumn in hotter areas.
Caterpillars feed principally on Lime, (Tilia),
but occasionally Alder and Elm may be suitable, even Birch or Oak. Found in
all parts of
Poplar Hawk Moth
Laothoe populi Sphinx du Peuplier Likely to have 2
generations in the warmer zones of
Pine Hawk Moth
Hyloicus pinastri
Sphinx Pinastri
Southern Pine Hawk Moth
Sphinx maurorum Sphinx mauresque
These two species can
be difficult to separate. Generally
Hyloicus pinastri is found in the Northern half of the Country, part of
the Massif and descending into the Alpes in the East.
Sphinx maurorum
effectively occupies the Southern half of
Eyed Hawk Moth
Smerinthus ocellata
Sphinx Demi-Paon Two generations are
possible from May to September. Huge range of trees are used by the
caterpillar including fruit trees. Found in all parts of
Privet Hawk Moth
Sphinx ligustri Sphinx du Troène Two generations are
possible from May to September. Caterpillars use Privet and to a lesser
extent Ash, Forsythia, Elder, and Lilac. Found in all parts of
Convolvulus Hawk Moth Agrius
Sphinx du Liseron The majority are of
this species are arrivals from
Death's-head Hawk
Moth Acherontia atropos Sphinx
Tête de Mort The first migrants
arrive from
Oleander Hawk Moth
Daphnis nerii Sphinx du Laurier
Rose Migrants arrive from
Spurge Hawk Moth
Hyles euphorbiae
Sphinx de l’Euphorbe
Bedstraw Hawk Moth
Hyles gallii Sphinx de la Garance The adult flies in
May-June and August-September. The second generation pupae hibernate.
Theoretically everywhere in
Silver-striped Hawk
Moth Hippotion celerio Le Sphinx
Phoenix This species arrives
Striped Hawk Moth
Hyles livornica Sphinx Livournien First migrants arrive
Bat Hawk Moth
Hyles vespertilio Sphinx Chauve-Souris
Seathorn Hawk Moth
Hyles hippophaes Sphinx de
l'Argousier This moth is to be
found in Basses and Hautes Alpes, Isère, Ardèche, Vaucluse, Bouches-du-Rhone
Mediterranean Hawk
Moth Hyles
In France confined to the Departements bordering the Mediterranean Sea this moth emerges either in the September of the same year the eggs are produced or they can hibernate as pupae and emerge the following year in June. The Pupae rests on the soil surface in a coarse cocoon. Caterpillar food plant is Euphorbia nicaeensis. External link
Elephant Hawk Moth
Deilephila elpenor Grand Sphinx de
la Vigne For the most part the
species flies in June, but a second generation can sometimes be observed
where the climatic conditions are favourable usually in September should
this occur but this is rare because normally the pupae must remain in the
soil throughout the winter. Found in all of
Small Elephant Hawk Moth
Deilephila porcellus Petit Sphinx
de la Vigne Slightly smaller but more brightly-coloured than
its cousin the Elephant Hawk-moth it shares a similar biology and life
cycle. The caterpillars of both species are difficult to differentiate but
the Small Elephant caterpillar lacks the horn or scolus on the rear end.
Broad-bordered Bee
Hawk Moth Hemaris fuciformis
Sphinx gaze or Sphinx du Chèvrefeuille It flies from May to
August, in 1 or 2 generations and is found in all regions of
Narrow-bordered Bee
Hawk Moth Hemaris tityus Sphinx
Bourdon It flies in May-June,
sometimes with a second generation in August and can be found in all regions
Oak Hawk Moth
Marumba quercus Sphinx du chêne
vert This species flies from mid-May to mid-July in the warm, dry woody biotopes of Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex in the South of France, generally South of Bordeaux, in a single generation. Caterpillar will feed on most Quercus, (Oaks), and the pupae over winter in the soil. External link
Willowherb Hawk Moth
Proserpinus proserpina Sphinx de
l'épilobe or Sphinx de l'œnothère This species flies from
May until June and can be found in all regions of
Hummingbird Hawk Moth
Macroglossum stellatarum Moro
Sphinx This species is to be
found in all of