Dark Bush Cricket.
Pholidoptera griseoaptera
Decticelle cendrée
This is a species that is almost wingless. The
rounded wings of the males are brown with light brown coloured edges and
viens. The females are wingless or have half-round, grey-brown
forewings, but they are only 1 or 2mm long. Long-winged forms do not
occur with this species.

The adults are omnivorous, feeding primarily on
small insects such as aphids and caterpillars, but eat also plants such
as bramble, (where they are commonly to be found), dandelions and
nettles. The stridulation is a brief and penetrating sound, repeatedly
irregularly night and day.
The females lay their eggs in the soil, in dead
branches, in bark crevices and rotting wood where they require a high
moisture level. Old hedgerows and undisturbed bramble scrub are
particularly useful for this species.
The larvae of this species have a Plurennial
Life Cycle and require two years for their full development, with seven
larval stages during which time they feed exclusively on plants. Nymphs
appear at the end of April of the third year and adults will usually be
seen from June onwards.
Found in all regions of France.