Saddle-backed Bush Cricket
Ephippiger ephippiger
L’éphippigère des vignes
This large Bush Cricket has a body that
measures 2 to 3 cm with the females’ ovipositor being 2.5 to 3cm.
It is one of the species with only vestigial wings and as such
they can’t fly.
Colour in the Ephippiger ephippiger complex varies with
the geographical distribution. Those from Southern France have
conspicuously pale banded dark-green or brown tergites. However,
the Eastern Pyrenean subspecies, E. e. cunii, lacks the
broad banding of its neighbouring E. e. vitium. Research
is ongoing into the Ephippiger ephippiger complex with
the use of DNA sampling. With the head down, it’s possible to
see a black band or line on the rear of the head that is only present in
Ephippiger ephippiger
species that aids identification.

Above - black clearly visible at the
rear of the head.
It generally prefers hot
places and it is a mainly vegetarian species that eats leaves of
various plants, and as its French name implies it was often to be
found in vineyards, but extensive use of pesticides has severely
reduced their numbers. Small insects, aphids etc, will also be

Both male and female stridulate both day
and night. Adults mate in August and eggs are put in the soil
where they remain for 2 to 5 years before hatching.
Found mainly in the south and west of
France but can be found in all other regions.