Southern sickle-bearing bush cricket
Phaneroptera nana
Phanéroptère méridional
(Mediterranean Katydid or 4 spot Bush
This Bush Cricket closely resembles the
neighbouring species, Phaneroptera falcata . In both
species the wings, extend beyond the body. It is slightly smaller
than the latter with a body length of 13 to 15 mm for both sexes.
Its coloration is slightly more yellowish, its body is dotted
with small rusty spots. They have very long rear legs that are
frequently extended out flat behind them. Females have a wide and angled ovipositor
which allows her to deposit her eggs in the vegetation. Eggs in
this species are extraordinarily flat because they are laid
directly between the upper and lower epidermal layer of flat plant
material such as broad leaves or flower petals. The female has to
bend her abdomen through nearly 360° so that the tip of the
ovipositor is near the mandibles and touching the edge of the
leaf. At the same time she chews an opening and slides in the top
half of the ovipositor to deliver her eggs.

Above - Females angled ovipositor.

Above - female at dusk
They have a higher temperature requirement
than Phaneroptera falcate which tends to be more common
in the north of France although it is a species that is
increasingly extending its range northwards with climate change.

Above - different stages of
Adult are normally to be seen from August
until October. Mainly active at night they are often barely audible to
the human ear but can usually be seen fairly easily in the daytime
on vegetation. Females of this species also respond to males by
They are a vegetarian species that
frequents open spaces, woodland clearings, gardens and hedgerows.
Mainly in the southern half of France
extending to somewhat north of the Loire river.