Marmots are medium sized
rodents that live throughout alpine areas of
and live at an altitude of 800 to 3000 metres. With an existing population
in the French Alps they were reintroduced in the early 1950’s to the
where they had disappeared several million years ago. Releases were also
made in the Jura and Lozère where they have successfully settled.
They are about 50 to 60cm in length with adults
weighing as much as 8kg prior to hibernation and as little as 2.5kg just
after hibernation. They have a thickset squat body with a coat that is a
mixture of blonde, reddish and dark grey fur and a short bushy tail which is
darker as is the top of the head.
They have a short and
wide muzzle with the eyes almost parallel on each side of its head giving
them a wide field of vision which is of paramount importance if they are to
avoid predation when out of their tunnel complexes. They have powerful legs
and claws that enable them to burrow and tunnel in the stony and rocky soil
that often forms the alpine meadows. Small ears that are almost invisible
buried in their thick fur and like all rodents that live in burrows they
have long stiff
hairs growing around the mouth called
vibrissae in order to orientate themselves in the total darkness

They live in Alpine pastures in uncovered wide open
spaces where they can see their predators in the distance when they are
outside providing them with the opportunity to quickly rush to the nearest
tunnel entrance. One can often see an alpine marmot "standing" while it
keeps a look-out for potential predators or other dangers. Warnings are
given, by emitting a series of loud whistles to enable all members of a
colony to take cover.

They are social animals that live in
family colonies and over time burrow complexes can become quite extensive
and each will have a dominant breeding pair. Living areas are at the ends of
tunnels and this is also where females will have their young after
furnishing it with grasses, straw and other bedding material. The period of
reproduction of the marmots takes place between the month of April and the
month of June, essentially this is immediately after hibernation. Following
a gestation period of about four weeks she gives birth to between 2 and 6
young which are initially unable to see and totally dependent on her.
Breastfeeding lasts about 6 weeks and the young Marmots are self-sufficient
after 8-9 weeks.

They are diurnal and leave the burrow at dawn to
feed. Although not totally vegetarian their diet is mainly composed of
plants, (herbs and seeds), but they will happily consume spiders, worms,
beetles and other insects.
From around the month of October when the
temperatures start to drop the marmots will commence hibernation and will
not wake up again until about the month of April making this one of the
longest hibernation periods of any mammal when their body temperature
descends to around 8°C and their heartbeat can reduce to twice a minute. As
mentioned above their body weight can reduce by two thirds over winter and
some starve due to loss of body fat.
Estimated life expectancy is between 15 and 20
years. Sexual maturity is reached rather late for a rodent because it is
only at the end of their second year that they will be sexually mature.
Although they have quite a few natural predators
such as fox, wolf, marten, some birds from the Crow family and Eagles they
are not an animal that is considered threatened in France which is mainly
due to the lack of human disruption in the places they inhabit other than
people pursuing light leisure activities such as walking most of whom will
appreciate seeing these rather charming rodents running around and standing
upright to look around.