Autumn Lady's Tresses France







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Autumn Lady's Tresses.   Spiranthes-spiralis.   Spiranthe d'automne,or Spiranthe en spirale.


Presence in France.

BLUE.  Common   GREEN Localised   ORANGE Rare    WHITE  Absent or disappeared.


Height. 40cm

Leaves. Linear-lanceolate / narrow oblong, sub errect, decreasing in size up the stem.

Flowers. White with a green tinge. Fragrant.

Flowering period. August in the north to October in the south.

Soil type. Dry or temporarily wet, generally sandy, weakly calcareous or acid. Full sun.

Protection. Regional. Alsace, Bourgogne, Limousin, Franche-Comté, Lorraine, Picardie, Centre, Île-de-France.
