is divided into Departements that come under Law Verdeille and those that
Law Verdeille applies in the following Departements: 03, 05, 07, 09, 11, 15,
17, 23, 25, 26, 31, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40, 43, 54, 55, 56, 66, 70, 73, 74, 79,
82, 86, 87, 90.
Although rare it may possibly apply in some Communes in Departements that
aren't under the Law. In such case there should be signs ""terrains
appartenant au territoire de l’ACCA"" - you can ask at the Mairie if in
In Departements under Law Verdeille
Should you wish to take your land out of “la chasse” you will need to
complete a simple form.
You will require the date of creation of your local ACCA and the name and
address of its President; in theory your Mairie should supply this
information, but they can be unhelpful, in which case you have to get it
from the Prefecture.
You will need plans showing your plots with their numbers and their
relationship to the immediate surroundings.
You will need copies of the purchase (title deeds) of your property which
proves ownership. As the contract that an ACCA or ACA has with a commune has
a duration of five years, anyone using this procedure will not have their
request finalised until the next five yearly renewal for their local
association, based on five yearly periods from the date of its creation.
All of this once completed must be lodged with your Prefecture, making
absolutely sure that you get an “Accuse de Reception” a minimum of six
months before the next five yearly “birthday” for your ACCA. This can
however be objected to and refused, although this is extremely unlikely. If
this happens it can be appealed to the departmental tribunal, who will
almost certainly, (99.9%), approve it. To make life easier and have someone
to help overcome any of these obstacles, I would always recommend using
ASPAS, an association that will not only deal with obstructions in getting
it done in the first place but will also provide legal assistance if there
are any infractions once you have your “Chasse Interdite” in place. The only
other thing that you would then have to do is put up signs with “Chasse
Interdite” on the perimeter placed every 50 metres, these can be obtained
quite cheaply. Tel: 04 75 25 10 00 - Link below.
Other Departements NOT under Law Verdeille:
It is sufficient to simply put signs up on the perimeter as above. In
addition it may be a good idea to also put up signs with "Propriété privée" and
take by hand a short polite letter to your Mairie notifying them of your
ASPAS : Association pour la
Protection des Animaux Sauvages
Signs available from
